Jul 2, 2006

Beauty Tips! Shaping your Eye Brows .

These are my new Eyebrows.

My Not so good ones.
Ahhh Today was all about me, well kind of.

What I did today:
After running around with some hairy eyebrows for almost 2 months, I did my brows!
I saw some pictures of old-young- me and remember how much I liked my eyebrows back then, I made a little boo boo with my brows some time ago and then kept shaping them according to that boo boo... but seeing my pictures made me decide to walk around with a bushy face, he he he!

My Old Eyebrows
What I used:
*Small Brush.
*Revlon Tweezers (I found their black one grabs on to the hair better others)
*Small Scissors (I used my tiny cutting/sewing Scissors)
*GiGi all purpose honee microwave formula hair removal system (17.99 at sally)

What I did:

First I brushed my brows in the shape I wanted them, some baby talk is good to help mark the shape and prevent burning, but I didn't use any.
Second I use the tweezers to pull out the hairs in the tricky areas so that the wax wouldn't go too close and mess up the shape Again!
Third I used the Wax, I cut one of the small sticks in half to get into the small curve. I use my Scissors to cut small strips of fabrics, apply the fabric, held my skin super tight and pull, Auch! no really it didn't hurt that much. I use almost all of the product in my GiGi kit.
Fourth, I brushed the hair and cut the ones that were to long, then I used the tweezers to touch up.

I love my brows! so much that I took a picture to post, lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.