Jan 9, 2011

Two hours later.

4:22 am
It's been two hours since the contractions started. I was able to take a 20-30 minutes nap, I think, and now I'm back to strong contractions.
I'm concentrating on seeing my baby drop down and my body opening up to receive him.

Trusting in the Lord that he will let this flow as his love flows through me.

This is the real deal.

Sunday 2:30 am.
Contractions keep coming. There is no way back now.
I'm trying to keep relax listening to some faith full messages online. I get stronger when I hear the word of God and I need to get stronger because I haven't done much metal preparation for this birth.
I'm so sleepy! yet I can't settle down and rest.

Oh Baby!

I'm still waiting for this baby, two days past his due date, which is nothing compared to my last two boys.
Tonight I have been feeling contractions come and go with no set pattern, yet more consistent than before, I lost my mucus plug last night and some more? tonight, still I will know is the real deal when the contractions actually move to my back... and I will be very surprised if this baby comes with no less than a week's delay, lol!

I can't wait to hold you in my arms my little one.

Jan 7, 2011

A new baby on the way!

Baby Jacob, or Jesus, or Emmanuel, or.... yeah we haven't even decided the name yet and we are already up on our due date.
Last night, or a few hours ago, I lost the mucus plug which should me that baby will be coming very soon, but because of my history with my boys I'm not holding my breath.
I still have much to do and do honestly wish for some extra time to get things done, but if is today I guess I'm manage without the perfectly organized house.

Waiting for you my little Angel.