Jan 25, 2010

Que no le has entregado al Senor.

Si no experimentas el poder de Dios en tu vida, examina donde NO estas cumpliendo con su volundad. El lo abarcarlo Todo y en perfecta union con El no falta NADA.

Cuando la tristeza o el dolor, el desempleo y las carencias diarias llegen a ti, a de ser el momento de examinar que es lo que no le has entregado al Senor y entregarselo a El, moverte dia con dia a una union mas profunda con el siguiendo sus ensenansa y cumpliendo con la voluntad de Dios. Solo asi podras vivir una vida al MAXIMO sin dolores ni tristesas porque podras vivir en plena confianza y union con El y al tenerlo a El nada falta, porque solo Dios vasta.

Dios te bendiga.

Jan 4, 2010

My new year resolution*** (Edited)

To please God with mind, body and soul.

Find 100 ways for a woman to be delight in God's presence.

1- By keeping him in my thoughts through the day.
2- Seeing him in my children.
3- Seeing him in my husband.
4- Thinking twice about my outfit before leaving the house. (So that I keep my body as his temple and not be the reason for temptation and luster to others)
5- To talk about him with my family everyday.
6- Take a momment everyday to talk with God in prayer exclusivily.
7- Help anyone God puts in our way to help.
8- Read his Holly Book.
9- Lead my family by example.
10-Be thankfull for the things he is doing that I don't know about.
11- Be patient in waiting to fruit
12- Fasting.