Nov 23, 2009

Happy NOT Halloween Day celebration.

I have never been interested in Halloween. Growing up in the Dominican Republic this was not a tradition we had, instead we had the mass celebration on the day after halloween "Dia de los muertos" or "Dia de los Santos" <== My mother was born this day!

This year after hearing so many reasons to N.ot celebrate Halloween, I exposed my find to my daughter, I also told her that she could celebrate if she wanted to, but I was not going to dress up and participate. She wasn't convinced at first, but then we did some research on the net about the origins of Halloween and she was convinced she didn't want to do it anymore. <== or at least for now.
So we had a family dinner and a yummy cake after.

We made rules like every one needed to help someone, every one needed to say grace individually and Angie came up with a funny song about it.

What I liked the most is being able to share this information and letting her think it over and decide.
I love being honest about the truth... we did the Santa talk too. I never wanted to even mention it in our family, but my husband thought it was something very important. This year she had been asking and asking "Is Santa Real?" I could not say yes or no, because I don't want to brake her heart or lie, I gave my husband the task of talking it over with her, since he was the one to introduce the Santa man to her little life, my husband kept putting it off and not giving me a straight answer of weather I should answer to her question or not...
Well On night she asked me about it and I just couldn't put it off anymore, we had a big talk about it, she was sad! very sad! She felt terrible that we had lied to her, she felt bad that her older friends knew about this and she didn't and she acted like a full affirming them they were wrong.

I felt horrible for letting us get to this point. It's very important to me too honest with my children and teach them to do the same. I do feel relief that at least now we all know the truth. This year they know that the gifts are coming from mommy and daddy! And that's a big deal to me.

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