Nov 6, 2009

Daniel's Birth.

<=== Just born. Little Daniel was born at H.ome on August the 16th (14 days late!) he was 10.04 pounds. Born in me and my dear husband's lap.

It's been almost three months since my last post and the birth of Daniel, I have almost forgotten the intense feelings of that night, I can remember them but from a painless place lol!

I remember that Saturday August 15th, I had just one more day to have him, he was already 2 weeks and 2 days late!!! and on Monday I would have to go see the dr. at the hospital, I wasn't happy about that because I wanted my home birth for so long. It took me some time, energy and watching "the business of being born" to make my husband agree to the home birth. I'm so glad!

***I always knew I didn't want another hospital birth. With my first I went in with all my hopes of a natural non invasive birth and that did not happen, everything started with one simple drug to lower my "high blood pressure" and ended in epidural. With my second we had a home center birth, all though I wanted to have a home birth my husband didn't feel safe with it and so we did a birthing center, while it topped the experience at the hospital by L.ike a M.illion I wasn't able to relax and O.wen the birth like I did at home.***

Our home birth: It was an empowering and wonderful experience, I feel stronger after this baby :).
At around 1:00 am I got up to go P.otty and I felt a discharge (something pinkish) right then I knew this was the time. I didn't go back to bed (wish I did lol) instead I decided to pick up the house a bit, I organize around the house and swept the floors (we have to do this a few times a day) and organized the kitchen.
When I was done picking up I came to my room to hear some nice christian music, my computer won't let me hear radiopaz anymore (boohoo) so I went to another spanish radio station (I think radio clamor) ahhhhh it was beautiful I sat on the floor stretching my legs and while I sat on my Buddha position I prayed and praised the lord for a while, a couple of hours I would think.

By 4:00 am (guestimate time) I started to get reall strong contraction so I woke my husband up to make me company. He got up and set everything up for the home birth while helping me go through the contractions. I L.O.V.E this man!

Another hour passed and around 5:00 am I asked him to call the Mary Ann, our midwife. By this time this was getting very intense. My husband wanted to go get some groceries at Wal-Mart (non organic!) but you know at that point I didn't care to not be prepare with snacks. We had some healthy bars and gatorade juice so that's what we put on the table for snacks.

I did some stretches on my birth ball and on the floor and walk around and on and on lol! Then I just naturally felt like hiding in our room. My husband had set up his massage table to keep massaging my back in the living room and I was totally opposed to staying there, he insisted and I hided in our room lol!
I was so in tune with my body! I found a comfortable place to pass the contractions in front of our dresser where I could bend my back easy, this worked for some time.

At 6:00 am our midwife got here and by this time I was so R.E.A.D.Y for this baby! My contractions were so strong! I lost everything I was wearing! And I didn't care! Mary Ann was wonderful she moved everything and got our room ready for birthing all around taking care of my needs (which I didn't know I had lol) keeping my hydrated and comfortable, turning down the lights etc.

Now an hour or two of these intense laboring pain Oh that can be a big thing, by 7:00am I just couldn't take it anymore, there was no place, no position I could change to that could make this pain disappear, NOTHING was working anymore! I remember I exclaimed "Nothing Works Anymore" to which my midwife calmly replied "You know, that means we are almost there" this was all I needed to hear at that moment! I was ready to take it to the next step. She sent me to the toilet to empty my blather, which BTW I had been doing all morning long but I seem to have forgotten how important this was to relieve the pain... well my body just shot that! I couldn't empty my blather until around noon time that day!

I'll tell you that with all this pain, I totally had forgotten my moments of prayer and praise at the early stage of labor... and while I was feeling terribly uncomfortable seating at the toile I just remember My L.ord, I repeated Jesus names a few times and remember how he D.oes answers my prayers, then I asked him to let the birth happen N.O.W and I didn't demand it lol!

At this time I felt the urge to go into the shower and with him giving me the strength I went to the shower, which did make my pains bearable. While in the shower I felt the need to push and I pushed a little, but then my body got tired of the shower so I got out to go to bed and get a comfortable position. By the time I took those 8-10steps to bed I was already getting another S.trong contraction I got on bed on my hands and knees and just then my water broke! ( I had N.E.V.E.R experience this before) It was a happy moment for me, I was admired that I got to see how that happens this time and I already know that after this The Baby was C.oming!

After my water broke at 8:00 am I had to get up, so I did I was going to do my dresser dance again (lol) but that wasn't doing it for me, to all this my husband has been walking around behind me to massage my back and relieve some pressure... and right then between our dresser and our bed, I asked him to seat on the bed so I could lean on him and he could massage my back, he did... it felt good and the contractions were Strong, I felt the need to seat on his lap facing him and I did, while I was on his lap (his legs open) I felt a H.uge urge to push. I gave it all my might! I pushed a long strong push and Daniel's head was out. Mary Ann let us know that the baby's head was out! With the next push he was almost all out and by the third he was Born! our beautiful Daniel was born between both of us, I got up and grabbed the baby, and then I went to bed and laid down with my boy on me while they tended to me.

I tried to breastfeed Daniel before the cord was cut, but apparently he was too full! He poop tons right at birth and much more trough the day. Daddy cut the cord after the placenta was out and got to examine the placenta after. During all this time after the baby was born a wonderful thing that doesn't happen at hospitals was going on on our bed, we were all sharing the bed for the first time, my kids came to see the new baby and my husband was right by my side too.

A funny thing: Our three years old Gabriel recorder a couple of swift videos of Daniel while being born. (My 5 years old daughter hided in the other room)

If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing. I feel blessed to have experience birth to the fullest and I'm glad to have had my wonderful husband helping me through it. I'm most grateful that God was with me the whole time and when I accepted that fact the baby was born.

Crazy fact: I was fantasizing ('cause that's what pregnant women do) about having a birth during a rainy day, early in the day. This was the exact thing that happened that day and you know what? I couldn't care less for a day birth, or a night birth or rainy or sunny, in the end that was so N.oT important.


Marcela said...

What a beautiful home birth story!!!!

Very special memories!!!

Nelly Diaz said...

Awww Thank you! Over a year later I see your post. yep! that's me S.L.O.W.