Feb 22, 2006

My Carrier Fairy.

What is the carrier fairy?

It's funny, the carrier fairy is like a secret Santa, it goes on at thebabywarer.com. A group of mommas get together (virtually) and exchange gifts; this goes on all year round! It’s so much fun to pick a gift to give and wait and see what you get! the gifts are centered around baby carriers but there is a lot of other fun stuff that have been gifted, like nursing ware and cute baby stuff, one of the hot latest one is the babylegs and staceyz nursing necklaces, as well as diaper bags and others, including the cutest mom made, hand made gifts.

It's so much fun to play, and hear all the stories from other moms and see all the pictures of friend's babies opening their fluffy! I especially love when the mail man is being stalked! These mamas are hilarious! I’m always looking like a loony when my husband hears me laugh out loud at the computer's monitor!

Well, I received my fairy gift last week, just on time for Valentine's Day! It was a beautiful periwinkle sling set, the whole shebang!!!! I got two pouches and a support, this carrier is genius! I can carry my baby in the pouch or do a wrap time of carrier/backpack/front pack, so versatile, you can get them at www.theslingset.com, my only problem is that now I want a red set even more! I'm dying to get one of those.

I just want to make sure, to say thank you to my fairy, for this wonderful gift, it was so generous of you to find the perfect carrier for us! Thank you!

What’s going on!

My friend Sandy from MommyCouture.com/ asked me to blog something because she wants to know what’s going on with us, well Sandy, this one is for you!

The last couple of weeks have been oh so hard on me, my two year old is driving me nuts, she is just plain being two now in days. When I’m the computer she will come and turn it off on me or even on daddy! This is so frustrating since I can only get to the computer for a few minutes and now just seconds, thanks to her!

Toys! Toys! Toys! Her toys are everywhere, despite the fact that I hide most of them! What ever is not necessary I just put away and she won’t see for a couple of days, but still she likes to have everything spread out in the middle of the room, so I have to pick up about 100 times a day! Then there is the kitchen where she loves to help out! She specially loves to dust everything, yeah with dusts of chocolate and/or sugar all over the countertops! It’s so hard to keep up with her since I have to nurse the baby constantly and change diapers every few hours, and move him around so he doesn’t get bored of one place. He is such a good baby!

This past three weeks I realized that I won’t be able to work as I did before, not even half! Ewwwww! I had so many plans for this new year, and I’m still not set up to get my web site ready to run, I don’t know if I will be able to get custom orders either, it would be so difficult to try to have things out by X date. On the other hand I feel so creative, so many new ideas and new things I would love to do, designing and creating things is so much fun!, especially after midnight when the babies are a sleep.

I can’t do much chatting this days, all thus I do read posts and when if I have the time and something to say I try to post before Angie hits the power button off, some times I can come back some times I just forget what I was going to do and by the time I’m up there is no point on me posting, sorry girls!

Feb 4, 2006

High Fever.

Angie has been running a high fever, yesterday she was so clingy, she spent all day sleeping or fussing and wanting to be hug, there was a big rain storm and she kept waking up and calling me or running to me, "Mommy I'm Scared" and "Hug, Hug" is all she could say yesterday, she only asked to go to the park once, I can't believe it! she usually asks all day. I think she is getting better as today she is more active, hopefully she didn't catch anything from the other kids at the park.

Happy Second Month Birday to my little Gaby!

I just noticed the date and today is Gabriel's second month's birthday! He is such a big boy and he is such a good baby, its a blessing that he is such a little angel because Angelica is taking all the energy out of me.